The marketing forum VIPANIKRIYA in association with the training and placement cell POORNAKASH organized The Marketing Round Table-2023 on the topic “Rural Marketing Strategies” on 13th June 2023 for the final year marketing students of the institution.

Mitchell David D’Almeida Deputy manager, of Dalmia Cement, was the resource person for the session.

Mr. Mitchell David D’Almeida receiving the floral welcome by Ms. Shreesha

The resource person gave an insight about how to deal with rural people, what are the qualities that sales personnel must possess in this competitive world, what are the challenges and opportunities that are prevailing in the rural hub, and how fast these rural areas are moving towards the path of growth.

He also answered the questions which were framed by the students and allowed the students to share their thoughts.

He enlightened the students by sharing his professional experience and the beauty and culture of various rural markets that he had been to, he explained in depth the negativity about sales personnel and highlighted the point that “business is not at all about selling product to the consumer but it is also about building trust and maintaining a healthy relationship with them”.

Ms. Aishwarya welcomed the gathering, Mrs. Shruthi Raj introduced the guest and Mr. Shreenidhi proposed a formal vote of thanks. Mr. Shivanand M. Bhandarkar, Faculty and Placement coordinator of Poornakash was present during the session.

Ms. Aishwarya welcoming the gathering to the session.
Ms. Shruthi Raj introducing the resource person to the gathering.
Ms. Charishma handing over the hand-crafted memento to the resource person. The memento was hand crafted by Ms. Vaishnavi Hebbar

Student Feedback :

Ms. Shreesha

“From this session we came to know the importance of sales for each and every company, interactions with students was too good ,we never felt we were in the class room ,resource person has bought us to the new word of marketing and sales in rural market”

Mr. Akash

“The session was was highly valuable and beneficial for us, as the resource person provided an insight on how to interact with rural consumers and how to build and maintain trust among them which is very crucial in the present scenario.”

Mr. Shreenidhi

“ It was a great session, gained lot of knowledge about sales and its importance for us. He share with us that how the sales activities will be taken in rural area and give the knowledge about how should be the sales man is in the rural market”

Ms. Aishwarya

“ I am grateful for the chance to be part of such an insightful discussion, and I had gained lot of knowledge about rural Marketing strategies it was very useful session . I am thankful for sharing your expert views with us.”

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