E-Contents By Faculty

ICT can offer tremendous opportunities for capturing, storing, disseminating and communicating a wide variety of information. Rapid expansion of knowledge and availability of variety of ICT has made inclusion and integration of ICT in teaching and learning inevitable. A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process. Typically, LMS provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance.

Poornaprajna Institute of Management, along with the traditional Chalk and Talk method of Teaching, also utilises paperless, free online Learning Management Systems. All the teachers at PIM use different ICT enabled tools to make their teaching effective. Apart from using Power Point Presentation (PPT) to supplement teaching, teachers also use Google Classrooms. With Google Classrooms, teachers create virtual classes for specific subjects and upload study materials in these classes. Students also submit assignments and get these assignments graded on Google Classrooms. The Institute has audio-visual enabled classrooms with internet connection. In these classrooms, students can watch subject specific websites (for e.g. official websites of BSE, NSE or SEBI in financial management classes) or various subject related videos from Youtube on the LCD big screen.

The Institute has implemented G Suite for Education which has enabled to have domain email both for students and faculty and also to have more cloud storage. The Google ‘Meet’ app available through the domain email permits the user to have longer meetings with more number of participants, up to 250, and also to record and save the meetings.

The above special feature of G Suite has been effectively used by all the faculty members of PIM, especially during the lockdown on account of COVID-19 pandemic. All the teachers have conducted online classes through Google ‘Meet’ either from home or from the Institute. All these online sessions have been saved in the Drive and the links of these saved sessions have been forwarded to the students for future reference.