A workshop on the topic “Gender equality and laws relating to it” was organised by the Human Rights Cell of the Poornaprajna Institute of Management on 2nd November 2018 at Prajna Hall. Advocate Vijayalakshmi in an interactive session with the students brought out clearly the provisions of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. She elicited responses from the students about the concept of sexual harassment, bad touch, blackmailing, eve-teasing, pornography and made the students come out with suggestions to prevent sexual harassment at all spheres of life. Measures to prevent sexual harassment like developing congenial work atmosphere, promoting safety at the workplace, hiring people of sound mental health or mental makeup, development of evidence to fight against harassment were discussed along with the student’s contributions. Formulation and composition of the Internal Complaints Committee, the functioning of the same, grievance redressal mechanism given by law was discussed at length by the resource person. Advocate Vijayalakshmi made the discussion interesting by citing some cases like Vishaka Vs. The state of Rajasthan, Tehelka case, Jecintha case, Mee too movement etc. Though both men and women are subjected to sexual harassment, women suffer a lot as character assassination happens in the case of women. So, it is a matter of serious concern. There are certain loopholes in the law which makes the fighting still tough opined the resource person. She also brought out the role of the Human Rights Protection Foundation of Udupi in handling human trafficking, drug de-addiction, counselling etc. Dr. Bharath V, the Director of PIM, Dean Dr. Sureshramana Mayya, Dr. Bharathi Karanth, the Co-ordinator of the Human Rights Cell, the faculty members and students of both first and second year MBA attended the workshop. Students of 2nd MBA, Ms.Ashmitha Jain, Ms.Prapthi Shetty and Ms.Kruthika SP conducted the programme.