IQAC Programme: Workshop on IPRS by Dr.Ranjitha K.R. at Poornaprajna Institute of Management


Dr Ranjitha K.R. Asistant Professor at Department of Commerce, Manipal Academy of Higher Education conducted a workshop on ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ at Poornaprajna Institute of Management at Prajna Hall on 3rd November 2018.  Dr.Ranjitha gave a brief overview of the different dimensions of IPRS with adequate examples.  Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, industrial designs their differences were discussed at length by the resource person.  Geographical indicators, Copyrights Act 1957, Patents Act 1970, Designs Act 200, Trademarks act 99, Geographical indicators of Goods (Regulations and Protection) Act 1999, Industrial designs Act etc.  were explained by the resource person. 

The programme was presided over by the director of the institution Dr.Bharath V. Dean Sureshramana Mayya, the Coordinator of the programme Dr Bharathi Karanth and all other faculty members of the institution were present on occasion.  The first and second-year MBA students involved in an active discussion on IPRS.  Mr Sharan Shetty welcomed the gathering and gave a brief introduction of the chief guest, Mr.Sheik Afrid proposed a vote of thanks while Mr Renol Fernandez conducted the programme. 

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