Ms. Amitha

0.5 years*
4 months teaching at PIM since ** 04-11-2024

* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member    **: Calculated by system
  1. Post- Graduation – M. Lib.I.Sc from Mangalore University, Mangalore.
  2. Under- Graduation – BBA from Poornaprajna College, Udupi.
  1. Carried out a project “Use Of E-Granthalaya Library Automation Software: A Study Of Government Degree Colleges Affiliated To Mangalore University” at Mangalore University
Other Activities
  1. Attended one-day workshop on “Wikisource for knowledge sharing” in Mangalore University.
  2. Attended one-day workshop on “Workshop on open access publishing” in Mangalore University.
  3. Attended one-day workshop on “International Webinar: Synergizing User Experience and Digital Empowerment: A Library Perspective” in Skyline University College, Nigeria.