Mr. Dinesh Kavoor

Adjunct Faculty
0.5 years*
7 months teaching at PIM since ** 01-07-2024

* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member    **: Calculated by system

B.E. in Electrical Sciences from Mysore University

M.E. from Indian Institute of Science


Dinesh Kavoor has over 35 years of senior management experience in the technology arena. He has managed several outsourcing initiatives for customers like General Electric, Hewlett Packard, and Deutsche Bank.  Mr. Kavoor has previously served as the COO for Dharma Systems and Director of Venturesoft Tech.

Mr. Kavoor has during the years worked as a Product Visionary and delivered many innovative products. He has extensive knowledge of all the phases of software product development and he has experience in building and managing highly motivated technology teams and delivering software products of exceptional value.