Dr. Bharath V.
Contact: bharathpim.ac.in
: 35 years*
18 teaching at PIM since ** 01-08-2007
* : Entered Manually by the Faculty Member
**: Calculated by system
- B.Com (1984) – St. Philomena College, Puttur, DK. (Mangalore University)
- M.B.A (1986) – Mangalore University
- Certificate Course in Computer Programming – St. Aloysius College, Mangalore.
- PhD (Mgt.) –  From Department of Post Graduate studies and Research in Business Administration of Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, in the year 2009 on the Topic “Capacity Utilization in Small Scale Industries” Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. K. Sridhar Shetty, Director, S.M. Shetty Institute of Management Science, Pawai, Mumbai., and Dr. K. Rajendran, Dean Research of Vinayaka Missions University, Salem.
- M.Phil. (Mgt.) 2006 – Alagappa University, Karikudy,Tamil Nadu
- Bharath V, Mayya Umesh. (2013). Capacity Utilization of SSI in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada Districts of Karnataka. Asia Pacific Journal of Research(1). 66-77.
- Mayya Umesh, Bharath V. (2013, June). Status of Small Scale Industries in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada Districts of Karnataka. Southern Economists, 52(3), 48-54.
- Mayya. S, Bharath V , (2011) “Status and capacity utilization in small-scale industries: A case study of selected Industrial units in Udupi districts”, Productivity, New Delhi, Vol 51(1), pp 90-98, April, June, ISSN No. 0032-9924. UGC No. 31809
Other Activities
:- Attended training and presented papers at ICSI New Delhi, ICSI Chennai, and IIM Bangalore.
- Trained in the area of Strategic Management at IIM Bangalore.
- Chief Guest at College Day Celebrations of UPMC during the month of March 2019
- Chairperson at the Paper Presentation Session held at One Day National Conference on Innovative Banking in Digital Era conducted by Poornaprajna College in association with Poornaprajna Centre for Research and Development of Poornaprajna Institute of Management, on 10 April 2019