Student Project Guidelines








PIM intends to prevent falsification, fabrication or plagiarism in its research works of the students by introducing the concept of Project Diaries .  These Project Diaries enable the systematic  and authentic research activities of the students by building a better rapport between the teachers and the faculty and also promotes accountability and effective performance monitoring by the faculty members.  In the Project Diary, instructions are given to the students in three different headings .  They are :

  1. Guidelines to students
  2. General guidelines for Project report
  3. Project design of the report, the copies of which en



Master of Business Administration (MBA)






Reg. No.


Title of the Project








Submitted to:

Mangalore University


Poornaprajna Campus

Udupi  – 576101

Ph: 0820 2531401






Instructions to the students:

  1. Project Work Diary is the complete report of the Project Work to be pursued in the fourth semester. For the whole Project Work 7 modules are identified and the progress in first 5 modules (up to primary data collection) will be reviewed in the third semester.
  2. The remaining two modules as mentioned in this Project Work Diary will be pursued in fourth semester as the forming part of Project Report and ends with the submission of final Project Report to be forwarded to the University for evaluation.
  3. At the end of 5th module, Project Work Diary should be submitted along with Project Preliminary Report.
  4. Project Work Diary, as a part of curriculum in the fourth semester is evaluated for 30 marks based on the final Project Report.
  5. Date and activities assigned to different stages/ module as given in the following pages to be followed strictly.
  6. Student should not miss the regular lecture hours for Project Work.
  7. Students should compulsorily meet the guide every week in the project hour allotted.
  8. Student should get the signature of the Guide and the Director compulsorily before the deadlines mentioned in every stage and module respectively.
  9. Any deviation from the schedule as given in the diary will be viewed seriously including disqualifying the student from attending the presentation/ viva.
  10. At any stage, if a student found copying from other projects or found careless in the Project Work Diary or Project Work, such Project Report will not be forwarded to the University for the Award of the Degree.
  11. Student will not be allowed for the presentation or viva other than the date fixed by the Institute.
  12. Students should possess the Project Work Diary during the time of their interaction with the guide and also during presentations and viva.
  13. This Project Work Diary should be preserved carefully by the student and to be submitted to the guide at the end of the third semester. Further, the Project Work Dairy should be submitted to the office along with Final Project Report at the end of the fourth semester on the scheduled dates as informed.
  14. Students are instructed to go through the general guidelines of Internship Report and Project Report as given in the appendix.


Instructions to the Guide:

  1. Every stage / module should be authenticated by the guide with remarks, signature and date in the identified column.
  2. At the end of every module, students should be instructed to meet the Director for the signature.
  3. If any student has failed to follow the schedule as given in the diary, the same to be recorded in red ink and if a student continuously fail to follow the schedule for two modules, the same to be brought to the notice of the Director.





Internship Programme


  1. General Guidelines for Internship Programme
  • 1 Students will have to undergo 30 days of summer internship in selected companies after second semester examination with the consultation of their Mentor.
  • 2 Students can take up their internship programme in the company where they are proposing to pursue their project work.
  • 3 Internship Programme evaluation is for 30 marks in the third semester.
  • 4 In the last week of August, students should appear for Internship Programme Viva along with InternshipCertificate issued by the organisation and Internship Programme Report (hands on experience report) of 15 -20 pages, for evaluation.


  1. The Format for Internship Programme Report is as follows:
  2. Order of the Pages to be arranged and details to be furnished:
  • Front Cover page
  • Title
  • Certificate issued by company
  • Acknowledgement
  • List of Contents
  • List of Graph and Tables
  1. Chapter design

Chapter One

  • Industry Profile (Challenges, Prospects)

                 Chapter Two

  • Company Profile (Vision, Mission, Branches, Awards, 7S Mckinsy Model, SWOT Analysis, BOD, Organization Structure)

                 Chapter Three

  • Organization Function (Marketing, Finance, HR, Productions etc)

                 Chapter Four

  • Learning Experience


Reference / Bibliography

General Guidelines for Project Report


  • 1 The Project report should be strictly as per the modules and schedule given in the Project Work Diary.
  • 2 Each student is put under the supervision of a guide and no change will be permitted with regard to the Project Guides allotted.
  • 3 As far as possible topical subjects should be selected for Project Work involving the field survey, which can also be pursued in the company where the Internship Programme is carried out.
  • 4 Project report, as a part of curriculum in fourth Semester is evaluated by the University for 100 Marks.


Structure of Final Project Report



Sl.No Description
1 Title Page
2 Certificates:

Declaration by the Candidate

Certificate from the Company/Industry (If any)

Certificate from the Guide

Certificate from the Director/Principal/Chairman

3 Acknowledgement by the candidate
4 Table of Contents: (With page numbers)

List of Tables

List of Graphs

List of Exhibits [If any]

List of Appendices

5 Executive Summary/ Abstract
6 Introduction:

Problem definition

Back ground of the problem

Approach to the problem ( Theoretical foundation)

Statement of the problem

Theoretical / Conceptual analysis

Research questions

Hypothesis [If any]

8 Profile/ Back ground:

Profile of the Company/Geographical profile (If any)

Profile of the Respondents(primary data)

7 Research Design:

Research design considered for the project work

Information needed

Sampling technique and Sample size

Scaling Techniques

Questionnaire development [Primary Data]

Data collection from secondary sources

Data collection from primary sources

Data Preparation/Field work

8 Data Analysis:

Data validation

Hypotheses testing

Data analysis methodology

Statistical tools

Techniques used for data analysis

9 Results:

Interpretation and outcome

Limitations and caveats

10 Conclusion and recommendations
11 Bibliography/ References
12 Annexure:

Questionnaire/Schedules/Forms/Photographes/Publications [If any]

  • Books

Format: Author’s last name, first initial. (Publication date).Book title.Additional information. City of publication: Publishing company.

Example: Allen, T. (1974). Vanishing wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society.

  • Journals

Format:Author’s last name, first initial. (Publication date).Article title.Periodical title, volume number (issue number if available), inclusive pages.

Example: Reich, R.B. (1993): Companies are cutting their hearts out. The New York Times Magazine, December 19, p.54-55.


  • Online Document

Format: Author’s name. (Date of publication). Title of work. Retrieved month day, year, from full URL

Example: Fredrickson, B. L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being.Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2000, from


  • The Project Report has to be submitted with Times New Roman Font style, size of 12, Paragraph spacing of 1.5 and in fully justified alignment.



  1. Copying of material from any source without appropriate referencing the source will initiate plagiarism procedures Institute will initiate stern action.
  2. All the material that relates to the dissertation, including completed questionnaires from interviews, should be shown to the guide and to be retained by the students until the University has declared the results. Students are advised not to dispose off the material away once their dissertation is submitted, as they might be asked to present it as part of the viva voce or otherwise.
  3. Any kind of plagiarism noticed by the examiner will entitle the Institute to book a case as malpractice.
  4. It is expected that every Poornaprajna Institute creates necessary awakening among students and faculty guides about avoidance of plagiarism and maintenance of quality.