Principals of four institutions along with manjunath kamath and Purushottam Adve, Bharathi Karanth staff incharge of ED cell held a meeting and discussed about the craft mela. Then immediately EDP Cell of PIM arranged a meeting of all post graduate students . Dr. Raghavendra explained to the students about the programme. Mr. Manjuanth kamath told students how they conducted the krishi mela , book fair and techniques used to motivate students to buy books. He motivated students to participate, publicise and learn. Purushottam Adve too told students importance of promoting local arts, artisans etc. He said he will be there to guide throughout two days.
In the evening 4 o’clock in prajna hall, assembled all PG students, divided them into 24 teams. Almost all teams have combination of Mcom and MBA students. Each team has around 4 to 6 members. Also allotted undergraduate and puc classes for students to address. 13 groups have 2 classes to address and 11 groups have 1 class to address. Dr. Bharathi Karanth, Prof. Shriraksha , Prof. Deekshita , Prof. Prashanth coordinated the program.