Extension Activity conducted by Placement Cell of PIM in association with Udupi Jilla Kanakadasa Seva Samaja Regd. Udupi

Posted 9 years ago / by PIM

The placement cell of PIM conducted the activity on General knowledge for the benefit of children of Kuruba community studying in the Volakadu school on29/10/2015. General Knowledge questions were designed by the seventeen students of PIM for the children of Kuruba community studying highschool.  The impact on beneficiaries: ·         To perform better in academic examinations ·         To build conversation … Continue reading “Extension Activity conducted by Placement Cell of PIM in association with Udupi Jilla Kanakadasa Seva Samaja Regd. Udupi”

Workshop on IPRS

Posted 9 years ago / by PIM

Workshop on IPRS was conducted at Poornaprajna Institute of Management on 8th october 2015 at Prajna Hall . Mr.Pradeep Kumar , Advocate of  the region was the resource person.  He enlightened the students on the concept and significance of IPRs.  Dr. M.R.Hegde along with the faculty memebers and students was present on the occasion.