(1) Moral and Ethics: PIM is committed to develop moral and ethical values in the entire Institution. The entire education system lies on the strong foundation of morals and ethics which make every person in the Institute a worthy human being. Knowledge of the right & the wrong makes every individual a responsible citizen of the country.

(2) Teamwork: Teamwork at PIM is a fundamental core value that permeates every aspect of the student experience, fostering collaboration and collective growth. The institute emphasizes the importance of working together across various dimensions, integrating teamwork into academic projects, co-curricular engagements, and extracurricular activities. In the classroom, students are encouraged to collaborate on group assignments and case studies, enhancing their ability to navigate and solve complex business problems collectively. Beyond academics, PIM promotes team-based initiatives in clubs, sports, and cultural events, ensuring that students develop strong interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, and a sense of community. By nurturing an environment where teamwork is integral, PIM prepares its students to excel in diverse professional settings, understanding that the synergy of a well-coordinated team often leads to greater innovation and success than individual efforts alone.

(3) Respect for the Individual:  PIM is committed to respect the individual irrespective of his age, gender, caste and creed. This is inclusive of respect to the hierarchy which means that every individual is bound to respect his senior undoubtedly.

(4) Responsibility: Responsibility as a core value at PIM guides the actions and decisions of all stakeholders, fostering a culture of accountability and ethical conduct. For students, this means taking ownership of their learning journey, adhering to academic integrity, and actively contributing to the community. Faculty members embody responsibility by delivering high-quality education, staying current with industry trends, and mentoring students with dedication. Administrative staff ensure the smooth functioning of the institute, maintaining transparency and upholding the institution’s standards. Alumni are encouraged to support and mentor current students, contributing to the growth of the PIM community. Collectively, these efforts create a robust, responsible environment that prepares students to be ethical and conscientious leaders in the business world.

(5) Selfless Social Service: PIM is committed to deliver altruistic service to the society by and large. This includes taking care of social wellbeing of the people in and around to make this place a better world.

(6) Sharing & caring: PIM is committed to share and care for one another; be it within the institution or outside the institution. Within the Institution the faculty and mentors share their valuable experiences with the younger generation and take care of them. Outside the boundaries of the Institution the students carry out a number of activities which show their concern to the society and the nature.

(7) Quality: PIM is committed to deliver quality in all the aspects of the education; be it in teaching or in the infrastructure. Quality is not compromised at any cost to deliver the best results in academics.

(8) Discipline: PIM is committed to build discipline among the student community as well as in the Institution throughout. It helps the student to be focused, stay healthy and also avoid problems. As per the current life style and social trends, discipline techniques seem to be one of the essential life skills for any student.

(9) Communication, Commitment, and Courage: At Poornaprajna Institute of Management (PIM), the core values of Communication, Commitment, and Courage are foundational elements that cultivate confidence and maturity in students. Effective communication is emphasized, enabling students to articulate ideas clearly and collaborate efficiently, which is crucial for leadership and teamwork. Commitment to academic and professional excellence instills a strong work ethic and dedication to achieving goals. Courage is encouraged, empowering students to take risks, innovate, and confront challenges head-on. Together, these values build a robust character, equipping students with the self-assurance and maturity needed to navigate the complexities of the business world successfully. This holistic development ensures that PIM graduates emerge as confident, mature professionals ready to lead and inspire.

(10) Tech-savviness: Poornaprajna Institute of Management (PIM) underscores the importance of technological proficiency among all stakeholders, ensuring the institution remains at the forefront of modern business education. For students, this involves mastering contemporary digital tools, platforms, and analytical software essential for today’s business environment. Faculty members integrate advanced technologies into their teaching methods, utilizing digital resources to enhance learning and stay updated with the latest industry developments. The administrative staff leverage technology to streamline operations, improve communication, and enhance the overall efficiency of the institute. By fostering a culture of tech-savviness, PIM prepares its community to navigate and thrive in an increasingly digital world, ensuring graduates are well-equipped to tackle the technological demands of the modern business landscape.

(11) Quest Excellence: PIM is committed to develop and pursue higher standards in promoting continuous improvement and utilize systems that promote student and employee success. It encourages creativity, innovation, and risk-taking and also anticipates needs and responds accordingly.

(12) Accountability: PIM is committed to take responsibility for personal and professional growth and development. It continuously evaluates and improves our systems and policies and also establishes and communicates clearly defined and articulated goals and objectives.

(13) Open System: An Open System is a core value at PIM that embodies a commitment to accessibility, transparency, and collaboration through the use of open software and open publications. By integrating open-source software into the curriculum, PIM ensures that students and faculty have access to cutting-edge tools without the barrier of high costs, fostering an inclusive learning environment. Open publications are encouraged, promoting the sharing of research and knowledge freely with the global community. This approach not only democratizes education but also supports the continuous exchange of ideas and innovation. By embracing an open system, PIM cultivates a culture of openness and shared learning, preparing students to contribute ethically and effectively to a collaborative, knowledge-driven business world.

(14) Continuous and Life-long Learning: This emphasizes the importance of perpetual growth and the pursuit of knowledge beyond formal education. This principle is ingrained in the institute’s culture, encouraging students, faculty, and alumni to remain intellectually curious and adaptable throughout their careers. PIM fosters an environment where learning is a continuous journey, offering opportunities for professional development, advanced certifications, and executive education programs. By promoting a mindset of life-long learning, PIM ensures that its community remains agile and relevant in the ever-evolving business landscape, equipped to tackle new challenges and seize emerging opportunities with confidence and competence.